Apartment Friendly Workouts that Pack a Punch

Living in an apartment is great until you try and exercise. If you live above the ground floor, you won’t be able to do a lot of stomping or bouncing around. There are ways around the problem so you can get in your workout and still be considerate of your neighbors. You won’t need a lot of equipment and you can adapt your workouts so you won’t get bored. You can check online to find almost any type of apartment friendly workout.


Strength Training

Strength training is important for building muscle and strengthening the body. Contrary to what many people try to tell themselves, you don’t need a lot of equipment or machines to lift weights. A small set of dumbbells will work just fine. You can also invest in a set of resistance bands. They are easy to use, easy to store and offer more options than traditional dumbbells. Depending on what area of the body you are working on, you can find hundreds of videos online.


Cardio workouts, especially the low-impact ones, will allow you to break a sweat without jumping around or being too loud. Dancing is a good cardio exercise that can be combined with cleaning. You get in a good workout and your apartment gets a good cleaning. It’s a win/win all the way around. If you aren’t used to doing cardio, you will want to start out slow. You can work up to a longer cardio video workout as you get a little farther along.


Pilates is one of the best exercises that assist with the improvement of flexibility and range of motion. It’s also an ideal exercise for those who want to focus on full body awareness. No equipment is needed and you only need a minimal amount of space. There are several types of Pilates that will help you target different areas of the body and accomplish different goals, like weight loss, range of motion, and overall flexibility.


Yoga has been used for centuries to heal and strengthen the body and restore balance throughout the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga workouts involve stretching, breathing, and focusing on being in a relaxed and calm state. They are excellent for improving flexibility and will allow your body to release tension that sometimes gets trapped in the muscles and other soft tissues. You will feel much calmer and more relaxed after a good yoga session.


Stretching is the simplest and most effective of all beginner workouts. Standing up and stretching in all directions for a minute or two each way, will get the blood flowing and give your mind a jump start. If you find yourself sitting down a lot at work or school, a five-minute stretch break will clear your mind and make you more alert.

Event though West Chester Best Gyms having some amazing options, you don’t really have to worry about getting an expensive gym membership when you can find all of the workout videos you will need online. Exercise in the comfort of your own apartment without investing in a lot of extra equipment that will only take up space. Find an apartment friendly workout that allow you to accomplish your goals and start your fitness journey today.

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