Restaurant Andiario first opened its doors only 14 months ago but quickly became one of the most sought after tables in Chester County. Those who have experienced Andiario’s charming atmosphere and unbelievable farm to table cuisine are not surprised by their rapid rise to notoriety. Restaurant Andiario‘s unique artisan approach to service is unparalleled and Anthony Andiario and Maria van Schaijik (Owners of Andiario’s) drive for perfection is in every detail of the restaurant Andiario experience.
We recently spoke with Maria van Schaijik to find out just what makes Andiario’s in West Chester, PA so special. So without further ado, here is a brief interview with Maria van Schaijik, co-owner of Andriario’s, and the Zukin Realty Business Spotlight of the Month.
Note: All Images Property of Andiario’s in West Chester, PA

We are definitely not concept driven. We want to work with local artisans who share a similar vision. That’s just who we are. It’s how how we want to cook, and it’s how we want to serve our customers. Even the flowers on our tables are from local farmers. We feel it just speaks for itself when you operate that way. And our customers notice this quality. A lot of people pick up the plates and notice they are hand made. They notice the jars that line our restaurant are carefully preserved for a purpose. They notice the fresh herbs hanging over the tables. Everyone notices something different, but it all resonates with them.
Shared Expenses: Budgeting with Roommates
Updated February 25, 2025 – Sharing an apartment or house with roommates is often out of financial necessity. Being able to divide shared expenses three or