Stay Cool This Summer!

Summer heat is great when you’re at the beach, but not so great if you need a good nights rest.  Here are some suggestions on how to keep your apartment comfortable through the hot summer months.
1. If you have central AC, please do not set your thermostat below 65 degrees.  It will freeze the lines and cause the AC system to stop working
2.  Ceiling fans help to circulate the air and make a room seem cooler.  Make sure that the fan is spinning in the correct direction.  Stand underneath it when running and if you can feel a breeze, then it’s moving the air in a cool downward air flow.
3.  Window AC units are not meant to cool an entire apartment and will run your electric bills up if you over tax the appliance.  Turn on your AC unit and then close the doors and windows in the room you want to get cold
4.  During the sunny daytime hours, close blinds and drapes to keep the sunlight from warming your apartment.
5.  Avoid using heat producing appliances like ovens or dryers until cooler nighttime hours.

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