When you are headed back to college, you want to make sure you are fully prepared with the right college supplies. College students today have an advantage over students in the past due to the many tech-savvy tools they have at their disposal. Having access to these valuable tools makes it easier to study and provides students with what they will need to be more confident learners
Noise-Canceling Headphones
Noise-canceling headphones make it easier to study in a crowded area. If you record your lectures, you can listen to them wherever you may be without distraction. These headphones make it much easier to concentrate. Earbuds are also a suitable choice, although they may not be able to block out the background noise.
BSTOEM Lightning Charger
The BSTOEM lightning charger is a must for college students who live in dorm rooms that have very few outlets. Having a long charging cord allows them to move around freely without being tied to one location. Long cords are also beneficial if you are in a public place and need to plug into an outlet that may be a few feet away.
Portable Charging Docks
Portable charging docks are small and compact and provide enough backup power to re-charge your devices at least two times. Docks can be carried in your pocket along with your phone so that you never have to worry about your phone dying when you need it the most.
A Good Voice Recorder
While your phone is able to record audio, most teachers prefer that people not use their phones in class. If you want to record a lecture, your next best option is to have a good-quality voice recorder. This will allow you to keep your lectures in one place and neatly organized. You can transfer each file to your laptop or tablet so you can listen to them at any time.
Finally, you will want a good backpack to carry all of your college supplies. You want a backpack with a sleeve for your tablet and a larger space for a textbook and tablet. Smaller pockets for your phone, charging docks, and charging cords are also needed. The more pockets and storage you have, the more organized you will be. This allows you to be fully prepared when you enter the classroom.
When you start to prepare for your next semester, the first thing you should do is create a checklist of college supplies you will need. Don’t forget to include the high-tech gadgets that will make learning much more convenient. Before your first day of school, don’t forget to get everything organized in your backpack. You will be fully charged and ready to go!