Once you sign your lease on your new apartment you will probably be a little tight on funds. If you already have most of your furniture, you will be fine. If you are starting from scratch and have very little, you will need to find a way to furnish your apartment for cheap. Don’t sweat it too much. You have plenty of ways to find cheap, and sometimes free, items that you can use to turn your apartment into a home.
Buy Nothing Groups
Many communities have “buy nothing” groups. This type of group will list things for free if the recipient will come and pick them up. It’s a great way for people who are just starting out, to not only get the items they need but also meet members of their community.
Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist
Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist are two online platforms where you can find almost anything you might need if you are looking to furnish an apartment for cheap to nothing. Many people will sell or trade items that are in great shape for a fraction of what they are worth. It’s important to take someone with you when you agree to meet the seller.
Auctions and Yard Sales
Auctions and yard sales are a great way to find good deals on furniture and other household items. Even items that may seem a little worn or outdated can be upcycled. Dressers can be turned into bookshelves. Old chairs can be re-stuffed and re-upholstered. You can find exceptionally good items for almost nothing and turn them into your own treasures. Find items you can make your own and before long, your apartment will be filled with all of the things that make a house a home.
Thrift Stores
Thrift stores often have items from estate sales. If you want to furnish an apartment for cheap, you will be able to find savings galore at your local thrift store. Thrift stores will often have one-of-a-kind items that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. If you have items you no longer need or want, a thrift store may be the place to trade those things for something you really want but may not be able to afford.
Friends and Family
When you know you are getting ready to move, start talking to your friends and family. They may be willing to go through their attic or garage to see if there are items that are no longer needed. Before long, you may have almost everything you need to fully furnish your home. You may even receive a few family heirlooms. Once your apartment is decorated, have your friends and family over for a small housewarming party and show them how you used their gifts.
Whether you live in off campus student housing or residential apartment in West Chester PA, moving into an apartment is a great way to show your true personality and character. Finding unique ways to furnish your apartment for cheap is the best way to show off your style. Your apartment will be as unique as you are! Keep an eye out for upcoming sales and visit thrift stores often. You never know what you might find that will add a little personal savvy to your home.