How to Lower Your Utility Bills

Once you move into an apartment, you will quickly realize that rent is not your only major expense. Your utility bills can also take a large chunk of your monthly budget. You do have a few things you can do to take control of your utility bills. If you conserve energy and follow a few simple tips, you will be surprised at how much you can save. Simply turning your heat down one degree can save as much as 5% of your yearly heating bill! Using other energy savings tips can cut your utility bills even more. 

Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill

There are several ways to lower your electric bill. Turning off lights whenever you leave a room is the quickest and easiest way to bring your electric bill down. Instead of turning on your air conditioner, open your windows and turn on a fan. Your AC in the summer (and space heaters in the winter) can spike your electric bill. Use surge protectors for devices that still pull energy when they are turned off. When you leave the house, turn off the surge protector. 

Ways to Lower Your Water/Sewer Bill

Your water and sewer bills go hand in hand. Only run your dishwasher when it’s full. When you wash a small load of clothes, make sure to adjust the size setting. Take shorter showers. Limit your time to five to seven minutes. When you’re brushing your teeth, turn the water off until you are ready to rinse. It’s amazing how much water is wasted doing simple tasks.

Ways to Lower Your Gas Bill

Turn your thermostat to 72 in the summer and 68 in the winter. Just a few degrees can save you money over the course of the year. Ask your landlord to install a smart thermostat that adjusts the temperature while you are away and when you’re sleeping. It does all the work for you and you won’t have to constantly adjust your thermostat. Moving the temp up and down too much can be costly when it comes to your utility bills. 

Schedule Regular Home Maintenance

Schedule regular home maintenance to keep all of your systems working their best. Regular maintenance of the HVAC and plumbing systems will eliminate any leaks and will improve each system’s efficiency. Removing dust from your HVAC system allows the motors to run more efficiently and will also improve your apartment’s air quality.If you’re trying to save money on your utility bills, take a quick look at each of your systems and see what you can do to make them run more efficiently. You may be surprised at how much your utility bills will go down after you begin utilizing just a few of these tips.

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