How to Safely Get Packages Delivered to Your Apartment

As the weather finally begins to change this year to match its appropriate season, there is no doubt the Holiday Season is upon us. And with the holidays comes the inevitable influx of package deliveries. Although shopping online may be your ‘hobby,’ your apartment situation may not be ideal for receiving a sudden, never ending influx of packages.

However, you don’t have to be in a constant state of anxiety wondering if the indoor bike rack you bought for your nearest and dearest safely arrived or was pillaged by ‘the guy down the hall,’ nor do you need to be glued to your phone awaiting your SMS message alert that package was finally delivered. Fortunately, West Chester borough residents have have a few different options when it comes to getting mail delivered to their apartment.

Below are just a few recommendations to keep packages flowing all season long.

Ship to Zukin Office

Whether you’re a student in off campus student housing or in one of our West Chester resident rentals, as a Zukin Realty tenant you do have the option of shipping your package to our main offices and picking them up during regular business hours; however, we do recommend notifying the office ahead of time. Nevertheless, this is a safe and secure option that can be utilized. If you are concerned about the logistics of shipping packages to your rental, we recommend simply contacting the office. The staff can certainly provide you with recommendations as to what previous tenants may have done in the past to help guide your decision making process in the future.


GoPost Parcel Lockers

Parcel lockers are awesome, but they’re becoming more and more uncommon. GoPost is the USPS answer to making parcel lockers more widely used and accessible. Historically, parcel lockers were pseudo community mail boxes where you would find a key in your mailbox with the locker number on it. Your package would be delivered and remain safely in the parcel box. GoPost is a new and convenient parcel locker service offered United States Postal Service that is located in a central location (Search for a GoPost Locker Near You Here). It is completely self-service and units are fully secure

Amazon Hub Lockers

There are a few Amazon Hub Lockers in the West Chester area, one is right inside the 7-11 on High St. These lockers provide you with the convenience of self-service delivery location to pick up and return your Amazon packages. As soon as you package arrives in the locker, you get an email notifying you of its arrival, and you have up to three days to pick it up.

Setup Advanced Delivery Methods

Almost every major online retailer (Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc.) offer advanced delivery method options in their respective profile checkout preferences. Each retailer is different; however, the settings can get pretty granular. You can setup packages to be only delivered on weekdays or weekends. You can even setup a single day for all packages to be delivered so that you can ensure you will be there when they arrive. This is a very viable and free option for almost all retailers and one that is definitely recommended to checkout (no pun intended).

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